The New Amsterdam Raffle – Kerby dispensary

Here at The New Amsterdam in Kerby, our clientele can pop in for more than just a stash re-up.

Besides our always fully stocked and loaded coffee and cookie bar, which boasts a variety of creamer options AND fruit juices in the mini-fridge, we host a weekly raffle competition, no purchase necessary!

Eligible passerby’s can leave their name and telephone number on the sign-up sheet at the counter, and every Friday after 4:20pm a winner is drawn and notified!

Past winners have received bongs, pipes, nectar collectors and more! From goodie grab bags of smoking accessories, to weird novelty lifestyle pieces, the prizes are always a fun, stoner surprise!

If you choose to throw your name into the smoking ring, so to speak, don’t be surprised if you end up on our Instagram when you win! (Anonymity guaranteed!)

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