
October 17, 2018
What is the differance between wax, shatter, and crumble - The New Amsterdam
All marijuana concentrates are not created equal. Think of a concentrate like an egg. There are a variety of ways to cook it, but the end result is still an egg whether you fry it, poach it, or scramble it. Cannabis concentrates work in much the same way. There are structural similarities between wax, shatter,...
What is dabbing - The New Amsterdam
New to dabbing? Discover how to dab, why to dab, and what to dab. Dabbing is one of the latest ways to smoke marijuana. Remember when heating a knife on a stove, putting cannabis oil on it, and breathing it in through a two-liter bottle with the bottom cut-off was considered high-tech? Dabbing is a...
Marijuana 101 - How should you consume cannabis - The New Amsterdam
Too many options? We break down cannabis consumption so you don’t have to. Marijuana has changed. If you’ve never consumed cannabis or you’re just returning after legalization, the landscape might look very different. Legal dispensaries are clean, safe, and welcoming. You don’t have to purchase marijuana from a friend, and you aren’t limited to a...
Have you tried cannabis topicals - The New Amsterdam
Cannabis topicals: Heal your body from the outside. Cannabis isn’t just a beneficial medicine on the inside, it is a powerful topical as well. There are some great pre-made topicals you can purchase, but you can actually make your own at home using your favorite lotions. What makes topicals such a great option? [one_second] Cannabis...
Are cannabis and hemp the same thing - The New Amsterdam
Hemp and cannabis – What’s the difference? Did you know there are many different strains of cannabis? You may be familiar with Indica and Sativa, but Ruderalis and Industrial Hemp are two of the other primarily grown strains. The cannabis genus is similar to the canine genus. Dogs can look radically different, but a rottweiler...
Indoor and Outdoor Cannabis - What's the differance - The New Amsterdam
Indoor or Outdoor Grown Flower – Which should you choose? With so many different flowers to choose from, it can be hard to tell the difference for a beginner. If you haven’t been to a cannabis store in Portland recently, the choice can be overwhelming. Growing conditions have the biggest impact on a cannabis flower’s...
5 Weird Ways to use cannabis - The New Amsterdam
Cannabis – It’s not just for smoking. With so many states promoting legalization, many of them have an excess of cannabis. Because marijuana is still federally illegal, cannabis cannot be shipped out of state. That issue is leaving many states, Oregon included, with more cannabis than they know what to do with. Luckily, some entrepreneurs...
3 Common conditions you can treat with cannabis - The New Amsterdam
Treating your condition with cannabis. While traditional Western medicine has focused on pharmaceuticals, cannabis provides a natural alternative to treat a wide range of conditions. With legalization surging across the United States, interest in medicinal cannabis still hasn’t peaked. Though many conditions haven’t been closely studied, some have been. We’ll look at 3 conditions that...
What are cannabinoids - The New Amsterdam
Cannabinoids make marijuana what it is. Without cannabinoids, marijuana wouldn’t be anything special. Cannabinoids are the precursors to the most common compounds you’ve heard of, THC, and CBD. Why are cannabinoids precursors? Well, cannabis doesn’t actually produce THC or CBD. THC and CBD are called cannabis compounds. These compounds begin life as THCA and CBDA....
What marijuana is best for pain - The New Amsterdam
Using marijuana for pain relief There are two primary strains of marijuana, Indica and Sativa. Both of these have been cross-bred into an unlimited variety of hybrid plants. Indica is known for its effect on the body. Indica strains are known to provide more of a body-high, whereas Sativa strains are more commonly associated with...
What is CDB - The New Amsterdam
What is CBD? CBD is just one of more than 113 identified cannabinoids in cannabis. A cannabinoid isn’t just specific to cannabis, though. The human body actually produces cannabinoids. These cannabinoids help regulate important functions like inflammation in the human body and studies have actually shown mice with dysfunctional cannabinoid receptors suffer from increased inflammation....